A Guide to Confidentiality Agreements

A confidentiality agreement, also known as non-disclosure agreement, is a legally binding document that requires parties to keep specified information confidential. That information could be sensitive, private or valuable. The confidentiality agreement should clearly state details including who the parties are, their key obligations, and the consequences of non-compliance with the agreement. Such agreements are […]

Setting aside a bankruptcy notice

A bankruptcy notice is a demand for the payment of money issued by the Official Receiver (Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA)) requiring a debtor to pay a debt owed to a creditor.

Search orders

What is a search order? A search order (also known as an “Anton Piller order”) aims to prevent a respondent in a legal proceeding from destroying or hiding material or evidence that may be relevant to that proceeding or to a future one. A search order effectively allows the plaintiff to enter the respondent’s premises […]

Elements of a contract

In any contract dispute, there are questions to be considered and determined to establish the legal position of the parties. As a plaintiff, it is important to consider each potential issue correctly before deciding to commence legal proceedings against a defendant. If you are a defendant, it is particularly important for you to find a […]

The 5 stages to practising as a lawyer in Australia

Becoming a lawyer in Australia is a five-stage process. We provide quite a bit of detail below so that potential law students know exactly what they’re getting into if they want to become a lawyer in Australia.

What is practical completion?

Practical completion is a concept in building and construction projects, that signifies that all building work has been done in accordance with the construction contract, and the house or building is reasonably suitable for occupation or being used for the intended purpose.