The Personal Property Securities Register

The Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) is a national online noticeboard of security interests, which are debts or other obligations secured by personal property.

Termination of a building contract

Construction projects don’t always go to plan. Building materials can be delayed, plans can change, and budgets can be blown out. While these issues can cause frustration, when it comes to terminating a building contract, there are limited circumstances in which this can happen.

Promissory estoppel Australia

Estoppel is a legal mechanism in common law whereby a court may prevent or “estop” a party from making assertions or from going back on their word. A party may rely on a promise from the other party that, for instance, the first party will enter into a contract sometime in the future with the […]

A guide to patents

A patent is a type of intellectual property. It is a legal right for an invention, which may be a device, substance, or method. Registration of a patent provides legal protection which prevents other parties from using the patent.

Privity of contract

Privity of contract is a legal concept which states that only parties to a contract can enforce or be bound by its terms. This means that although performance of a contract may result in a benefit or burden to a third party to the contract, the third party cannot enforce the contract nor be subject […]