The 4 things you should know before signing a legal document

Your signature is your official stamp. Whether you are signing a loan application to buy your first home, executing your will, signing an employment contract, or just confirming receipt of your mail, you will probably sign your name thousands of times throughout your life. But signing a contract is an act that can have significant […]

I’ve just received a Progress Claim

If you have received a progress claim from the claimant who is performing building work for you, it means they are seeking a payment from you for the work they have done recently, on account of the final price of the completed work. This is an important document requiring your prompt consideration as strict time […]

I’ve just received a Creditor’s Petition

This document means the person or company who sent it to you has arranged a court hearing to have you declared bankrupt. The date, time and place of the hearing will be set out in the creditor’s petition. This is a very serious matter requiring your immediate attention. If you do not arrange to be […]

I’ve just received an Application for Winding Up

This document means the person or company who sent it to you has arranged a court hearing to have your company wound up. Winding up a company’s financial affairs is also called liquidation, or “being placed into liquidation”. The date, time and place of the hearing will be set out in the application for winding […]

I’ve just received a Creditor’s Statutory Demand

If you have received a creditor’s statutory demand, the person or company who sent it to you is threatening to wind up your company because your company owes them money. Winding up your company means it will be placed into liquidation. This is a very serious matter requiring your immediate attention.

I’ve just received a Bankruptcy Notice

If you have received a bankruptcy notice the person or company who sent it to you is threatening to bankrupt you. This is a very serious matter requiring your immediate attention.