What is the Sale of Goods Act 1896 QLD?

The Sale Of Goods Act In Queensland Governs Transactions Between A Buyer And A Seller. These Can Range From Buying Hot Chips To The Acquisition Of Medical Equipment.

A Guide to Confidentiality Agreements

A confidentiality agreement, also known as non-disclosure agreement, is a legally binding document that requires parties to keep specified information confidential.

Search orders

Do you need to stop another party from destroying or disposing of evidence? Find out how to obtain a search order in order to preserve evidence.

Elements of a contract

The 7 elements of a contract that you need to know for dealing with a contract dispute.

Gifts and contract disputes

Disputes about whether something was given as part of a contract or as a gift are not uncommon. These disputes generally hinge on whether a person gave something to someone gratuitously or voluntarily, rather than as part of a bargaining transaction.